Dropbox - How to install on Linux (Debian)

O Dropbox é uma ferramenta que sincroniza ficheiros entre vários computadores, tenham eles, Linux, Windows, MAC, ou mesmo iPhone*.
O funcionamento é muito simples, e passa por existir um serviço a correr em memória que sincroniza uma pasta seleccionada durante a instalação com um servidor remoto. Assim, sempre que se dá uma alteração dentro dessa pasta, o serviço vai sincronizar com o servidor do Dropbox. E mais, podem ter o serviço do Dropbox instalado em vários computadores, e assim, terem a informação sempre sincronizada.

*Até à data que este artigo foi publicado a versão para iPhone ainda se encontrava em desenvolvimento.

The Dropbox is a tool that synchronizes files between multiple computers, they have, Linux, Windows, MAC, or even iPhone *.
The operation is very simple, and goes through there is a service running in memory that synchronizes a folder selected during installation with a remote server. Thus, whenever a change occurs within that folder, the service will sync with the Dropbox server. Plus, the service may have the Dropbox installed on multiple computers, and thus always have the information synchronized.

* To date this article was published a version for iPhone is still under development.


(1) Register via the following address and have access to 2GB of storage:

https: //www.getdropbox.com/referrals/NTM0MjE3Njk

1st Option: Installation Manual:

(2) Download Dropbox at: https://www.getdropbox.com/downloading. If it is to install in Debian can get the Ubuntu version that works on departure. On my Debian (Lenny) worked well with KDE4.

(3) dpkg-i nautilus-dropbox_0.4.1-1_i386.deb

Continue in step (5)

2nd Option: Installation via repositories:

(2) Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add at the end the following source:

Gutsy deb http://www.getdropbox.com/static/ubuntu main

(3) Run the command aptitude update (similar to apt-get update)

(4) aptitude install nautilus-dropbox

(5) Start the Dropbox from the Internet menu (in principle here is that the icon after installation) and follow the wizard to setup/install. If you have doubts at this stage say.

(6) After completion of setup, just copy "scenes" to choose which folder to the Dropbox and sinconização with your 2GB of storage on the server starts.

... and remember that you can install Dropbox on more computers, and have therefore all the information synchronized between them, great, is not:)

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The youtube-dl is a small command-line utility that can download videos from youtube.com too easily.
In terms of archives, from the Debian Multimedia already incorporates the youtube-dl. If it does not, download it here:)

Installation via apt
aptitude install youtube-dl

Use simple
youtube-dl Endereço_do_video_do_youtube (thus the name of the downloaded file is random)

Use advanced (in need of credentials)
youtube-dl-u USER-p PASSWORD Endereço_do_video_do_youtube

Use advanced (once assigned a name to the file)
youtube-dl-o filename Endereço_do_video_do_youtube

youtube-dl - help

You leave here to take some videos to test this utility. These videos are a great concert, a great band, I was watching this month in the southwest, Faith No More:

"Evidence, all sung in Portuguese by Mike Patton"

"Just a Man - Spectacular, Mike Patton comes to the public"


"Mike Patton saying a stupidity in Portuguese language"
"Mike Patton calling King Kong a bearded"

"Joke, with better quality"
"Mike Patton to say "Muito Tomântico"

"Music of entry, reunited"

But if you want more, nothing like going to youtubas:) it is still well worth!


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