In times of crisis, Linux may be the choice!

According to this news digital diary (DD), the "Linux advances on Windows andUnix in the Enterprise '! Needless to say that I read this news with great satisfaction. As the crisis global installed, there are already many administrators who intend to migrate servers to free platforms, says the second study that formed the basis of news dd. I hope you do not remain the intention! In Portugal, despite the crisis hit, I think this market (open source) will not grow, because mostmanagement applications (billing, accounting, etc.) work on Microsoft platforms(client and server) and not simply its migration to Linux based systems. One day,perhaps, this paradigm shift, that is, the technology is all over the market! Have you thought about buying a computer solution for your company and only pay for the hardware, service and little more? Well no! And antivirus? You do not need!And antispyware? You do not need! And format the PC and need to insert a dateserial numbers that the client already lost? You do not need! And being forced tobuy the new new version of Windows and Office M. to keep up? You do not need!Of course, the Windows operating system also has its advantages, but when the discussion is cost containment, there is not much to say.

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Welcome Gnome3 or not!

Gnome3 started using when he left the CM17. Soon after its installation, the first impact was "uauuuu the Gnome3 is spectacular." After a few days, I started to miss some things in Gnome2, the list

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