Corel Aftershot for Linux

Corel Aftershot (CA) is a tool equivalent to Adobe's Lightroom. Both are targeted at photographers (or those with mania, like me!: P) therefore allow editing photos very easily and quickly.

I chose just because CA has a native version for Linux that unlike Adobe Lightroom with your forgot this world!

This tool combines the best features of Lightroom and Apple Aperture and a very competitive price. At the time of this writing the price (promotional) was € 39.99. Look

It is available in trial version (trial) and there are Linux packages for RPM and DEB (32 and 64bit).

For more information and a full review, read this article 
this article. 

#sudo dpkg -i AfterShotPro_amd64.deb
#sudo rpm -i AfterShotPro_i386.deb

RPM (Centos, Redhat, Suse,...):
#sudo rpm -i AfterShotPro_i386.rpm

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"XAMPP: Couldn't start MySQL!"

If you use XAMPP, can happen to you the problem of MySQL does not start. This usually happens when we copy the XAMPP folder between computers or even when repomos a copy of the folder entirely.

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